What the Heck Is a Blog?

by | Sep 6, 2018 | Blog

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Blogs. Blog posts. Blogging. Bloggers. What kind of word is that, and what does it mean?

Don’t panic. The first thing you should know is that blogs don’t require you to do anything. Blogs exist to be read—and this blog in particular exists to share industry insights and tips and tricks to boost your business. Read what you’re interested in, and skip what you’re not. It’s completely up to you! We just want you to be aware of the extra information available to you at no cost. Knowledge is power, so the more you know, the better off you’ll be.

To start with, I asked a few other members of the marketing team how they would describe a blog and got some pretty consistent answers:

  • “A digital library of things.”
  • “A self-published article.”
  • “A digital version of a magazine, or a compilation of articles, photos, etc.”
  • “A website that is updated regularly with articles, like a magazine.”

These are all accurate descriptions of what a blog is, but let’s go into a little more detail:

Web Design Iconblog is an online collection of informational posts meant to provide insight into topics you’re interested in. The Townsquare Interactive blog hosts a variety of posts designed to teach you more about digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) and other products we offer. We also regularly feature posts from our leadership and team members so you can learn more about who we are.

Blog posts are the individual entries and articles that make a blog a blog. For instance, this blog post you’re reading right now is the latest addition to our collection. At least until we publish the next post!

Blogging is the act of publishing blog posts to the blog.

And a blogger is the person writing the posts and maintaining the blog.

Now What?

Now that we’ve said a variation of blog about a dozen times, let’s take a breath. Sit back, have a look around, and see if anything catches your eye. You can browse through the categories on the right to learn more about topics that interest you, or use the next and previous buttons at the bottom of each post to navigate to a newer or older post. The great thing about this blog is that it doesn’t have to be read in a specific order. Jump around between posts as much as you like, and subscribe to have a bite-size blog digest delivered to your inbox every other week.

Still have questions about the Townsquare Interactive blog, or want to learn how we can help you link to your own blog from your website? Call up your digital marketing specialist! If you’re not a client, but you’d like to learn more about the variety of digital marketing services we offer, fill out the form below.

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