Last week, I went to a sip and paint class. It’s an interesting concept—you get to be a little creative, unleash your inner artist and drink wine in the process. In other words, my type of activity! The teacher began the class with an announcement: “We’ll be painting...
Leadership Series
Leadership Series: An Incremental Approach to Success
Guest Author: Justin Yurek The Myth of Knocking It Out of the Park “But there is no joy in Mudville—mighty Casey has struck out.” – Casey at the Bat When I was going to business school, I used to read a lot about Silicon Valley entrepreneurs. I’m talking about...
Leadership Series: The Art of Failing Forward
Guest Author: Tim Pirrone In life and in business, failure is inevitable. Whether you could have parented your child differently in a certain situation or handled challenges at work better, failure is just around the corner, and you should welcome it. Successful...
Leadership Series: Failing Fast
Guest Author: Liz Garrick We hear about the concept of failing fast often, but what does it mean? Do people actually try to fail? That doesn’t seem like a successful way to grow your career. Failing fast, to me, means taking chances that might not always end in...