Where Search Happens: How to Rank in Search Engines Besides Google

by | Sep 15, 2021 | Business Tips, Online/Digital Marketing

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Wonder which search engines are most popular?

Google owns over 92% of searches worldwide, while their biggest competitor, Bing, only gets 2.5% of searches, followed by Yahoo and Baidu.

Why is Google so popular among internet users? Because they give searchers what they are looking for, and they do it quickly.

SEO-wise, all search engines have slightly different signals they look for when determining rankings, but Google is the gold standard for determining searcher intent. That’s why most digital marketing companies use Google’s best practices.

Most search engines base their SEO ranking factors off of Google, but they’re usually just a few years behind in the A.I. Which is why basing your SEO efforts on Google’s best practices is definitely best strategy. In the process, you “lift all boats.”

Still interested in targeting other search engines? Good. A solid marketing plan involves getting seen in as many places as possible.

Here are some things you can do to help your rankings in other search engines:

Where Search Happens 2021 Graphic
1. Verify your Apple Maps, Bing and Yelp listings.

2. Update all of your business information in the listings above.

3. Make sure you have a solid social media presence, especially on Facebook!

4. Use more multimedia content on your website, like videos, audio, images, etc.

5. Submit your site to Bing Webmaster Tools to request crawling.

6. Attract quality links from other sites.

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