Top-of-Mind Advertising Is Digital, Too!

by | Apr 27, 2016 | Business Tips, Mobile Websites, Online/Digital Marketing, SEO, Social Media Management

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When you think about the phrase “top-of-mind advertising,” what comes to mind?

Billboards, radio commercials, flyers/postcards, and a wacky flailing inflatable arm tube man on the street corner? Great! Those are all great vehicles of advertising that have proven effective for many businesses across America.
But all those avenues leave out digital channels!

First, let’s dive into that term a bit deeper.

What Is Top-of-Mind Advertising?

It is EXACTLY that – top-of-mind.

Definition: The image, sound, name, brand or attribute that comes to mind immediately when asked about products or brands in a category enjoys the highest ‘top of the mind recall’ with the consumer.”

Let me give you an easy to digest example: You’ve come home from a long day at work, finish up dinner you’re getting ready to kick back for the evening. Just as you turn to leave the kitchen you realize that there is water coming out from underneath the sink.

A LOT of it!

You whip the cabinet door open and start to sop up the water, but it won’t stop leaking! What is your first move? Call a plumber! And fast!

Who are you going to call? AHA! Joe’s plumbing! You get out your mobile phone or get on your computer and make a quick online search for Joe’s Plumbing.


You’ve just proven two things for me.

  1. Top-of-mind advertising works
  2. Top-of-mind advertising IS digital, too

Here’s why:

Why did you immediately think of Joe’s Plumbing?

Because you hear their radio commercial on your way to work and on your lunch break 3 out of 5 days. Plus, you happened to see the coupon they sent in the newspaper last week about 24 hour emergency service. THAT is step one of top-of-mind advertising.

Why Top-of-Mind Advertising Is Digital

Your first thought was “call Joe’s Plumbing” and you pulled out your phone or jumped on your tablet or computer and searched Joe’s Plumbing Kalamazoo, right? You didn’t think “Call Joe’s Plumbing 1-888-543-7685”.

The fact is — Joe has done a great job branding his business and keeping it TOP-OF-MIND for you as a solution…. He’s also done a great job making sure his brand translates online.  His brand needs to be present online because that’s where the consumer goes when they NEED Joe’s Plumbing.

Okay… So now what?

I would argue, even grandma, these days, knows how to work “the Google machine”. I would also argue that she has either found a service or more information about a service that was ‘top-of-mind’ to her, online. Branding a business to be top-of-mind today is more than simply reminding potential customers of your brand, but having more information available (cough, online) WHEN and WHERE they are looking for it.

15 years ago, building your brand with radio ads, flyers, and business cards meant buying an ad in the phone book, to be visible when dad frantically flips open the yellow pages to find a plumber at 8 p.m. Now – he pulls out his phone or jumps on the computer to find the best plumber nearby.

So, How Do I Get “Top-of-Mind” Online, Too?

There are a few avenues to explore:

  1. Start social media accounts (Facebook): Post and consumers find your business and like your page. But then what? List all of your business information. Add your menu, or specific hours of operation.
  2. Get listed on a review site: Okay – you have an online directory profile. You’ve entered your business name, uploaded photos and added a phone number. Encourage your current customers to leave a review for you!
  3. Build a website: No brainer, right? Surprisingly, 25% of SMB’s don’t have a website. Think about it this way, what comes up in a search result page? Websites! Websites everywhere.  Your website (hopefully)! When a consumer clicks to your website they see your specials, your services, your hours, your location, your phone number, and photos of your work and facility. Did I mention that you’ve linked your social accounts to your website, and directed your other top-of-mind advertising to your domain so that your online branding works cohesively with your offline branding? Good for you!

Following these steps you make your business top-of-mind, digitally.

If you need help setting yourself up for success, we’ll do it all for you! Just fill out the form below to schedule a zero obligation conversation with one of our digital marketing experts.

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