Staying Relevant in The Fast Paced Technology World

by | Oct 21, 2015 | Business Tips, Online/Digital Marketing, Social Media Management

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by Amy Hoglund

The Ever Changing World of Technology

2014-01-16-radioshackadIt’s no surprise that technology is moving at an exponential rate. Take a look to the right – everything from this 1991 Radio Shack Ad is now in your phone. Crazy, right!?

Writer Steve Chichon, from The Huffington Post, pointed out “You’d have spent $3,054.82 in 1991 to buy all the stuff in this ad that you can now do with your phone.”

What does the fast growth of technology mean to business owners?

Technology changes behavior.  Customers interact and connect with businesses in ways we couldn’t imagine. Remember that we used to use a phone book to find local businesses? Remember when computers didn’t exist, much less smartphones? The youngest Gen X-er’s are the last who remember what life was like without a smartphone! Now, businesses need a website, online directories, social media and more! Keeping up with technological advances has a direct impact on the success or failure of your business.

Social media was close to non-existent 10 year ago

Look at social media. A little over 10 years ago social media was non existent- now Facebook and Twitter have taken over the web with many other social networks joining the movement. Sales though social media are rising, and people now rely on online outlets to decide whether or not to do business with you.

It’s truly incredible.

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Everyone is going mobile

To add to the list, everything is now mobile. Rather than sitting down at a desktop computer, users have the ability to access the World Wide Web in the palm of their hand. In fact, mobile search has now surpassed desktop search worldwide!

People exist on multiple platforms, and instead of fighting this trend; companies need to tap into this new environment and embrace the change.

If businesses don’t adapt to changes in technology, they’ll lose out on potential business. The kicker? The potential business doesn’t go away – it turns to the competition.

Updated website design matters

This includes website design. Here’s another fun example (to the right) of how much websites have changed in the past ten years. Having an outdated website turns users away, there are other websites they can visit. You need to stand out against the rest, and having a professional, modern looking website will do just that!

Here’s what one of our clients sent via email, showing that a professional website is bringing in the right business:

Good morning! Have a wonderful day! I received a client call who is only interested in receiving one bid from me and having my company do the work.He said he researched all local painters on all three major search engines and our website was the cleanest and most informative. That is how we are getting this job.

By the way, this client owns the largest wood pressure treating facility in the world. I am starting to connect with the right client type mainly because of my website.

Thank you and TSI for all you have done and continue to do!

If you don’t have time to keep up with the ever changing digital world- let us take care of it for you!

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