Social Media for Small Businesses

by | Apr 2, 2015 | Business Tips, Online/Digital Marketing, Social Media Management

by: Amy Hoglund

If you haven’t noticed, the power of social media is growing. Its become a big part of our everyday lives! It’s where many get the news, the latest promotions for our favorite brands, find out the latest scandal in the entertainment world, and it’s the easiest way to stay connected to our friends, family, and favorite businesses. According the Pew Research Center, a whopping 74% of online adults use social media channels. Numbers don’t lie – and this is why it’s imperative for your business to remain relative, on top of the social trends, and most importantly- to stay ahead of your competition! Keep in mind, social media is a way to have a more personal relationship with your customers.

Not sure where to start? I’ve got a few tips for you!

Find out who your target audience is and choose your social channels wisely

Depending on your type of business and target audience, certain social media channels are more beneficial than others.

Lets say for example, you’re a contractor. A contractors target audience is women looking to spruce up their home, to give it a “facelift.” Women are mostly found on Facebook and Pinterest. To go further into details, a new report released from Business Insiders Intelligence, helps us understand how social media demographics are still shifting.

Stay consistent

When you’re creating your social accounts, make sure to stay consistent with your brands “handle” or name on all accounts. Don’t use a name or “handle” that isn’t available on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. This will make it harder for your audience to find you; that’s certainly something you don’t want to happen! Remember, people are lazy, the harder you make it for them, the sooner they move on.

Come up with a content plan

In my experience, content is where a lot of small businesses struggle. I hear many clients ask the same question: “What is there to say about my business!?”  The good thing is, there’s no need to struggle! There are many things you can share, you just have to think outside the box.

Here’s a few pointers: Remember when I said social media is a way for you to be connected on a more personal level with your clients? Use it! Take photos of your employees and voice what a good job they’re doing. Find some articles related to your industry, that you think others will find interesting and share your opinion on them. Create contests and promotions that are made specifically for your followers. Raise engagement by re-tweeting and keeping up with the conversation on your page. Create custom hashtags to track a new campaign. The opportunity is endless. Yes it takes time and effort, but the return is well worth it!


To be successful in social media, you need to stay connected with big influencers. Additionally,  help other local businesses by sharing their information as well! In social media etiquette, when you share or follow their business, the favor is generally reciprocated. The motto is “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine.” Put it into place and you’ll see your network grow!

Keep at it

Did you know that your social media presence helps with your search engine optimization? It does! It’s important to keep posting after you set your accounts up. This lets the search engines know you’re staying up to date, being resourceful, and open for business. Believe it or not, taking a break from your social media presence is worse than not having one at all.

Now that you got the initial tools to start your social media campaign, stay tuned for more helpful digital marketing tips to stay ahead of the curve!

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