Tim Pirrone Gets Promoted to President of Townsquare Interactive and Ignite Operations

by | Mar 12, 2019 | Press Release

Townsquare Media CEO Bill Wilson and President of Townsquare Interactive and Ignite Operations Tim Pirrone

We just kicked off the first full of week of March with fantastic news: Effective immediately, Tim Pirrone will begin serving as both President of Townsquare Interactive and President of Ignite Operations. Part of Tim’s new role includes flying up to New York every week to oversee the 70+ dedicated people that make Ignite possible.

Ignite’s advertising capabilities, which use demographics to help business owners deliver their messaging directly to their ideal customers, dovetail nicely with Townsquare Interactive’s digital marketing products.

Townsquare Ignite is the programmatic advertising division of Townsquare Media. Its advertising capabilities, which use demographics to help business owners deliver their messaging directly to their ideal customers, dovetail nicely with Townsquare Interactive’s digital marketing products.

In his new role, Tim will oversee Ignite staff members. His track record of successfully managing sales and operations environments and companies experiencing explosive growth makes him the ideal leader for the job.

For the first 100 days, Tim is planning to dig in and learn the business. That includes meeting the entire Ignite team and identifying strengths and opportunities for improvement. That got underway last Thursday when Tim visited the NYC-based Ignite team and introduced himself.

Tim’s main focus will be helping Ignite continue to grow stronger while making further improvements to how we serve our account executives, digital content managers and, most importantly, our clients.

“Tim’s main focus will be helping Ignite continue to grow stronger while making further improvements to how we serve our account executives, digital content managers and, most importantly, our clients,” says CEO Bill Wilson. “The result will allow Ignite to further build on all that they have accomplished over the past year and prepare for future scalability and growth.

“Some of the challenges that Ignite faces today are items that Townsquare Interactive faced in the past and overcame. Both businesses face many of the same challenges with processes, platforms, hypergrowth, staffing, shifting competition and market behavior. They also share some of the same opportunities for continued expansion and hypergrowth.”

Congratulations, Tim! And thank you, Ignite team, for all you do each day to support the fastest growing revenue division in the entire company.

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