How to Craft the Perfect Tweet

by | Sep 1, 2016 | Online/Digital Marketing, Social Media Management

by John Michael Patrick

Craft The perfect tweet

Whether you’re a large, established company or a small business, Twitter’s a convenient, cost-effective way to connect with your customers.

That said, Twitter’s a noisy place, full of individuals and organizations competing for attention. Learning to communicate your message effectively via Twitter— in such a way that your message stands out from the static— can be a challenge.

Here are three simple principles for crafting the perfect tweet, so that you too can benefit from using this popular social network.

1. Be brief

Brevity is critical on Twitter— in fact, it’s built into the software itself! Tweets cannot exceed 140 characters in length, and that count has to include letters, punctuation and even hyperlinks.

Yet since its launch in 2006, communicators, creatives and average Joes alike have worked within Twitter’s limitation to tell their story and get their message out to the masses. So it’s very possible to communicate a complete idea in only 140 characters.

In fact, the first sentence of this article does just that!

Not a professional writer? Don’t worry— the best way to acclimate to Twitter to simply start tweeting. Before long, you’ll be amazed at the big ideas you can communicate in such a tiny space. (Alternately, you can let the pros of Townsquare Interactive begin tweeting for your business!)

2. Be personal

What makes Twitter unique from other social networks is that it allows people from all walks of life to comment on and discuss ideas in a (mostly) unrestricted forum. And while opinions may differ as to the pros and cons of this openness, one thing’s for certain: it can be a huge opportunity for businesses and organizations.

If you’re looking to build a brand presence on Twitter, one of the best ways to do it is by engaging directly with your followers. Reply to their tweets, and they’ll reply to yours. It really is as simple as starting a conversation!

3. Be interesting

Believe it or not, for many of its users, Twitter’s as much a form of entertainment as it is a chat room.

So if you’re a brand attempting to attract attention, it’s important to communicate engaging or useful information— not just sales pitches! Nothing will make potential clients or customers tune you out quicker than a Twitter feed that’s comprised entirely of endless ads for your services.

That said, your interesting tweet can still work to drive customer awareness back toward your industry and business.

For instance, let’s say you’re a home painter. You could tweet useful tips about residential painting, while simultaneously inviting engagement from potential customers. For example, you might tweet:

  • Always think about mood when selecting a paint color. Restful and calm, or bold and dramatic? What mood do you prefer on your walls?
  • When painting, it’s helpful to always finish one wall before starting the next one. Which of your walls would you like painted next?
  • If you have lots of natural light in a room, a bright paint choice may be overpowering. What’s your home’s lighting like?

Before long, you’ll have built credibility as an expert in your field, as well as someone your customers enjoy communicating with. What better way to put yourself in a position to be hired?

In summary, the way to craft the perfect tweet is to be brief, be personal and be interesting. Happy tweeting!

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