How To Claim Your Apple Maps Listing

by | Sep 7, 2021 | Business Tips, Online/Digital Marketing

How To Claimed Your Apple Maps Listing Infographic


Apple uses multiple sources to populate Apple Maps with business listing information. But, many businesses are still missing from the Maps platform and list inaccurate information. The only way to make sure your business is listed and consistent is to claim your listing.

Similar to Google My Business, the Places on Maps portal serves as the home base for claiming businesses on Apple Maps!

Being listed on Apple Maps makes it easier for people with Apple devices to find your business across Apple’s platform, which includes: Maps, Safari, Siri, Wallet and Spotlight features.

Apple products claim apple maps listing

In order to claim a place, you just need to be able to answer a call to your place’s phone number or upload an official document that shows your place’s name and address.

Caution: Apple Maps is only for physical businesses, like auto repair shops, law offices and restaurants, or service businesses with a physical office address that clients can visit.

Let’s get started on claiming your Apple Listing!

How to:

1. Go to Places on Maps, previously Maps Connect, to add or update your business information.

If you don’t already have an Apple ID, now is the time to create one.

Welcome to places on maps claim apple maps listing

2. Enter your business name and location into the search box. Apple will search for any listings for your business that have already been created. If nothing comes up, click “Add Missing Place” and fill out your basic business info

3. With the new Places on Maps, you’ll need to be able to answer a call to your place’s phone number or upload an official document that show’s your place’s name and address in order to claim it.

4. An important part of claiming your listing on Apple Maps is ensuring the information is accurate. Within your claimed listing, you can edit the business name, address, map location, telephone number, business category and more across all of Apple’s platforms.

type of apple products on mobile claim apple maps listing

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