By: Jacob Robinson
We now live in a mobile world. We’ve tasted the sweet freedom of being able to access information immediately, without barriers…And we love it! Mobility is not only a game changer for the individual, it has also revolutionized business. Businesses are now able to reach consumers closer to the moment of purchase, shortening the buying cycle.
The computer we carry in our pocket is more than a phone, clock, or calendar, it’s an “answer machine” we turn to with intent, expecting to receive information immediately. Businesses are there to meet those needs. Is your business there as well? If not, you are sending business straight to your competition’s front door.
Consumer & Mobile Marketing Facts You Need to Know
“Mobile” is no longer a side note when talking about online marketing. It’s quickly becoming the main focus. On average more than 50% of your website traffic comes from a mobile device. Yes, 50%.
The functionality and aesthetics of your mobile website is just as, if not more important than, that of the desktop version of your website. Don’t believe me? Maybe these facts about mobile websites and consumer behavior will change your mind:
- Let’s start with the fact that 90% of American adults own a cell phone and 29% of cell phone owners describe their cell phone as “something they can’t imagine living without”. (Pew Research) We’re addicted, and that’s not going to change. Think of the last time you went a full day without looking at your phone
- We now know we love our mobile devices, but why does it matter to you as a business owner? It’s easy, 80% of smartphone users use mobile phones for shopping research. (The Google Mobile Playbook) Are you going to be there waiting for them? If you’re not, your competition will.
- You wouldn’t dare send coveted business to one of your competitors, but you may unknowingly be doing so. 40% of mobile consumers have gone to a competitor’s website after a bad mobile web experience. (The Google Mobile Playbook). Basically, not having an optimized mobile website is sending business straight to the competition who does.
- Not only could your mobile website be sending customers to your competition, there’s actually an opportunity cost associated with the 57% of mobile consumers who won’t recommend a business with a bad mobile website to a friend. (Google). Out the window with potential referral business. All because of not having a mobile website.
- Yet, it is not enough to simply have a mobile website. Your mobile website must perform! 47% of consumers expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less (KISSmetrics). Don’t make a bad first impression, or even worse, don’t encourage them to leave your mobile website.
- If your un-optimized website has scared them away, they may not come back! 46% of consumers will NOT return to a mobile site that is not working correctly. (Nielson)
See the importance of a mobile website yet? No? Let me drive it home with the fact that by 2016, the number of mobile devices is expected to surpass the world’s population. (Cisco) That’s an 18 fold increase from 2011! (The population of earth is just over 7 Billion)
The importance of not only having a mobile website, but having an optimized mobile website is only going to increase. NOW, is the moment to set yourself up for future success! Rest assured your competition is doing the exact same thing. Let’s beat them to the punch!
If you do not have a mobile website or think your website is not optimized for your customers, we can help. Give us a shout and we’ll consult with you about your mobile website.
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