Customer Service Tips, Behaviors & Stats

by | Jul 9, 2015 | Business Tips

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Customer Service at A Glanceby Amy Hoglund

What happens when a customer experience goes bad? Does it mean the customer is gone forever or is there a way to do some damage control and save them? We’re taking a deeper look into the recent study conducted by SDL that explains: “When customer service goes wrong, what’s the impact it has on your brand and what does it take to win customers back?” as well as provide some useful tips for top notch customer service.

Customer Service Failure at a Glance

When was the last time you received poor customer service? Has it been during the past 2 years? If so, you’re among the 76% who also received poor customer service in the study. SDL found:

  • 1 in 5 failures happen pre-purchase
  • 1 in 3 failures happen post sales
  • 17% of failures happen at first engagement
  • 6% of repeat customers experience major failures

What Customer Service Failure Means to Businesses

Although failures occurred, customers aren’t throwing in the towel- yet. Even though a client received less than satisfactory customer service, 82% of customers try to resolve the issue with the brand. However, if you screw this up again, only 1 in 5 consider coming back. Something to take note of, even if they decide to stick with the business, 59% will be less loyal.

What Customers are Looking For

Put yourself in their shoes. What would you want after a poor customer service experience? Would you want an apology? SDL found more than 50% want an apology, admission of failure, and money back on the specific purchase.

The Customer’s Reaction to Failure

This is where things get messy. Although it’s not surprising, the numbers are a wakeup call. 2 out of 3 customers will stop recommending the brand- or worse! 30% start looking at competitors, and 12% turn negative and will speak out against the brand.

Tips to Providing Great Customer Service

I went into great detail about customer service in a previous blog post- I highly recommend reading it! However, I’ll go through a few key points for you to keep in mind.

Be Available- When clients call and/or email you, a quick response is key and appreciated. Answer the phone, be available for their questions and concerns, and get things resolved quickly.

Be Customer Focused- Always be positive and put your customer first. Your customers can sense if you’ve had a bad day. Smile, relax, and leave your frustrations at the door when you get to work. Remember, no one likes to deal with a “sour Sally”.

Be The Expert- Customers are seeking help when they reach out to you. It’s important to be knowledgeable in your field. If you get a question you’re unsure of, be honest and let them know you don’t know (they will appreciate the honesty over wrong information). But let them know you will figure out the solution to their issue quickly, and in a timely manor.

Admit When You’ve Made a Mistake- If you’ve made a mistake, let them know. Although you made an error, owning up to it builds trust, and lets them know you have their best interest in mind.

Delivering great customer service is crucial to a businesses success. Make sure you’re providing the best customer service you can provide!

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