9 Tips to Turn Readers Into Customers

by | Feb 3, 2016 | Business Tips, Online/Digital Marketing, Website Design

by David Anders

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Make use of simple ways to better your content and increase your conversion.

A potential customer has found your website. Awesome! Now you want to convert them from a browsing reader to an active customer. The best way to do that? Well-developed content designed to keep them intrigued and get them motivated to act. When drafting content for your website, consider these tips to increase your conversion.

1. Grab Their Attention – Immediately! 

You have a matter of just a few seconds to grab the readers’ attention. A straightforward, concise headline is the most effective way to grab their attention and let them know what you’re all about. Using action verbs, lists, numbers, thought-provoking questions and startling/controversial statements are among the best ways to command their attention from the start.

Example: Our Experts Will Diagnose the Problem With Your HVAC

Better: 5 Most Common Causes of HVAC Issues

2. Make It Less About You, More About Them

Visitors to your webpage are there because they have a need. Show your concern for their needs by centering the content on them, not just your company. This will make the content more appealing to them and encourage them to read on.

Example: We can upgrade your kitchen with custom granite countertops.

Better: Imagine how great your kitchen will look with custom granite countertops.

3. Know Your Audience, Write to Them

You value every customer, so you want to appeal to as many people as possible. But, in trying to interest everyone, you may be actually influencing no one. You know your target customers, why not focus your content more intently on them?

Example: If you need an attorney, call today to schedule your appointment.

Better: If you are facing divorce, call today to speak with a family law attorney.

4. Spell Out The Benefits 

Customers want to know what’s in it for them, and rightfully so. What’s the added value of choosing your company? You don’t have to flood your content with benefits, but you definitely want to add some in there from time to time to further entice your reader.

Example: Bring your car to Jan’s Auto Shop for a tune-up.

Better: Prolong the life of your car and increase gas mileage by getting a tune-up at Jan’s Auto Shop.

5. Don’t Intimidate Them With Bulky Content

The internet is all about information and convenience. If you overdo it with information and make answers inconvenient to find, potential customers are likely to click elsewhere. Break up big, bulky blocks of content with bullet lists, headlines and other formatting techniques to keep from turning your readers away.

Example: Our services include: window washing, vacuuming, laundry, doing the dishes, wiping down surfaces, taking out the trash, cleaning the bathrooms, mopping the floor, dusting, sweeping and more.

Better: Break lists of three or more items into a bulleted list so customers can quickly find the services they need.

x-x-everywhere-meme-generator-bad-grammar-bad-grammar-everywhere-c74ac86. Be Grammatically Correct

Grammatical errors and misspellings are one of the quickest, most avoidable ways to tarnish your credibility. Make sure you’re using the right words, in the right order, to prevent readers from getting the wrong impression.

Example: Your going to love our apple pie to!

Better: You’re going to love our apple pie, too!

7. Keep Content Fresh

Avoid creating content that will quickly become outdated unless you plan on changing it often. Mother’s Day promotions are great, but if your content is centered around them in June, you’re likely going to lose the reader. Keep special date promotions updated and try to create content that is “evergreen.” Evergreen content means the content is long lasting and is relevant long after it has been published.

Example: Summer will be here soon, get your AC checked today.

Better: Be ready for the upcoming season with an HVAC checkup.

8. Really Personalize Your About Page

This is your time to shine. Distinguish your company from competitors by adding a personal touch to your About page. This doesn’t have to be your entire life story, but you may want to include how/why your company got started, what involvement you have in the local community and plans for the future. The more you personalize it, the more comfortable your potential customer will be with choosing your company.

Example: We opened our doors in 1978.

Better: In 1978, we decided to make our family passion for cooking available to everyone in the Cleveland community.

9. Motivate Them to Act

You’ve intrigued the reader, now it’s time to seal the deal. Encourage them to call by creating a sense of urgency and communicating any special discounts or promotions. An effective call to action is your best bet for converting visitors to your site to patrons of your business.

Example: Give us a call to learn more about your home improvement options.

Better: Get started improving your home and save 10% on any tile project by calling Fred’s Home Remodeling today.

With these simple tips, you can effectively create content that grabs your readers’ attention, appeals to them and motivates them to act. From there, it’s up to you and your business to keep them coming back for more.

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