3 Rookie Website Mistakes General Contractors Can't Afford to Make

by | May 19, 2015 | Business Tips, Online/Digital Marketing, Website Design

By: Jacob Robinson

3 General Contractor Website Mistakes

Do you have a website? Maybe you’re thinking about building a website for your business? Either way, you understand that as a general contractor, it’s imperative to have a high functioning website that can first be found, and second convert visitors into customers.

Think of it this way- you would never install cabinets that open into each other. You certainly would not put a cold water knob on your hot water supply. Those mistakes are for rookies, and you’re not a rookie – But are you making rookie mistakes with your website?

3 Rookie Mistakes You Might Be Doing on Your Website

Mistake #1: Not Including Testimonials

Before you make a purchase, what is the first thing you do? You research the experiences of other customers. You probably ask someone you know or research online. The reason we do this is because we want to feel secure in our purchasing decision. If other people had great experiences, more often than not, you will too.

Enter testimonials. Testimonials are the written and video documentation of customer experiences. It is critical to include these on your website. Remember, we want potential customers to feel secure about using you as their general contractor.  Testimonials build trust.

Testimonials can be short or long, video or text, but in the end they all send us same message: “This company performs high quality work and will treat you right.”

Do you have testimonials on your website? If not it’s time to add a few. Don’t just relegate them to the testimonials page. Use them throughout your website. The more you can display validation of your company, the more comfortable your website visitors are going to be.

Related: Capitalize on Happy Customers – Ask for Online Reviews 

Mistake #2: Not Displaying Your Work

When building your website, you want to display your work as much as possible. In the end, the work you do is your bread and butter. It’s what sets you apart from your competition. Remember the adage “pictures are worth a thousand words”? For general contractors this is truer than true.

Displaying examples of your work show visitors your style and quality of work. We want to show them how you can transform their home, or restore their kitchen after water damage.

A variety of high quality imagery portraying your work is advised! Work with a photographer to maintain a professional look for your brand and showcase your work well.

Mistake #3: Not Asking for the Work – Omitting Calls-To-Action

Ask for your prospects business

Last but not least, mistake #3. You now have great testimonials and awesome pictures of your work. You have answered the question “why should I do business with you?”. You know what you’re doing and other people believe in you.

Now, we have to ask for the business. It’s simple, really, and we probably don’t do it enough. Not out of desperation, but in confidence, showing you are just as ready to do business as they are. You’ll never know unless you ask.

A Call to Action asks a visitor to take action on your site. Call to Actions can include:

  • Call Today for a Free Estimate
  • Schedule a Free no Obligation Demo Today
  • Available 24/7 –  Call Now

The above “Call to Actions” have asked your visitor to take action and exchange information with you. In doing this, they are demonstrating they may be ready to do business with you.

Related: 4 Ways to Improve Your Homepage & Convert More Traffic

You Can’t Afford To Make These Mistakes

Over your career you can identify mistakes that made you the general contractor you are today. The truth is, mistakes are not always bad, and we can learn a lot from them.

That being said, don’t make the above rookie mistakes on your website. By not integrating “Call to Actions”, not displaying your work, and not including testimonials in on your website you are missing out on opportunities to sell your visitors on your services.

Do you have questions about your current or future website? Our marketing consultants are ready to answer those questions.

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