CBD Marketing: Top 12 CBD Marketing Ideas

by | Aug 2, 2022 | Blog, Online/Digital Marketing

cbd-marketingWith the third quarter of 2022 in full swing, now is the perfect time to try some new CBD marketing ideas to grow your CBD business. If you’ve been wondering how to get more CBD leads, we’ve got a ton of things you can try—and it all begins with your CBD website design.

It’s important to try a variety of things when it comes to CBD marketing. Why? Because every CBD business needs CBD leads to survive—no matter your location or how long you’ve been serving your community. Without a good flow of new CBD leads, it becomes impossible to grow your CBD business.

But, if you create a system that attracts new customers and delivers new CBD leads to your business like clockwork, that’s a recipe for:

  • New – and repeat – CBD customers
  • Increased revenue for you and your team
  • A dependable way to grow your CBD business

We know why CBD providers need to generate CBD leads, but how can you do it affordably and efficiently? The answer is: a good CBD website with good CBD website design. If you’ve ever wondered how to get more CBD leads, follow the steps below—and consider working with a CBD marketing agency to grow your CBD business!

1. How To Market CBD Store Online

If you don’t yet have a CBD website, one of the best things you can do for your business is to create one. A CBD website acts as your business’s online storefront—it’s the cornerstone for how to market CBD store online and gives potential customers a place to learn about your brand. CBD marketing companies can help you get set up.

By implementing a CBD marketing strategy that employs SEO for CBD companies, your CBD brand will become more reputable and trustworthy, ultimately boosting your sales and helping to grow your business. Unlike Google ads, using SEO for CBD companies to drive traffic to your online CBD store or CBD dispensary has no restrictions, so get started today!

2. Understand How To Navigate Google Ads

Google’s advertising policy does not allow CBD ads on its platform – you can, however, still utilize CBD marketing on this channel as part of your CBD digital marketing if you know how to properly navigate those policies and restrictions.

In most cases, Google will disapprove of new CBD ads if they detect triggers like health claims or specific references to selling CBD products within your page’s metadata, making it crucial to rely on a CBD marketing agency you can trust to show you how to market CBD store online.

The best way to guarantee that you can properly utilize this platform in your CBD digital marketing is to partner with a reputable CBD marketing agency. Experienced CBD marketing companies understand CBD marketing restrictions and will help you create a winning CBD marketing strategy on Google.

3. Always Use Local CBD SEO For Your CBD Digital Marketing

Search engine optimization (SEO for CBD companies) is king in the CBD digital marketing space, which is why SEO for CBD companies is so popular. CBD SEO is what moves your CBD business to the top of page 1 on Google and keeps it there. If your campaign is robust enough, SEO for CBD alone can generate the majority of your CBD leads (but we still recommend reading the rest of these CBD marketing ideas)!

It’s always a good idea to work with a CBD marketing agency and let an expert in SEO for CBD companies get you up and running.

4. Content Marketing = CBD Marketing

Creating content for your ideal customers is a great way to get more CBD leads. Consider writing blog posts and articles that you can post on your CBD website, and make it easy for your audience to share that content on social media.

Here are some topic ideas:

  • The History of CBD
  • Legislative News & Updates
  • CBD Oil and How to Use It

Content creation can fit in seamlessly with SEO for CBD companies, so be sure to get in the habit of sharing your content on social media platforms as part of your CBD marketing strategy.

5. Email Marketing = CBD Marketing, Too!

Email marketing is one of the oldest forms of CBD digital marketing, and there’s a reason it’s stuck around so long: it works. For every dollar you spend on email marketing for your CBD business, you’ll make (on average) a $40 return on your investment. There is also inexpensive email marketing software available, such as Moosend, MailerLite, and SendinBlue to reduce your costs.

Because most CBD businesses overlook the benefits of email marketing, it’s a great lead generation option for your business. For instance, businesses that stay in touch with their ideal customers via email generate 50% more sales-ready CBD leads and spend 33% less money on making sales.

6. How to Get More CBD Leads at Trade Shows

Attending trade shows should be high on your list of CBD marketing ideas. They not only provide plenty of solutions for how to get more CBD leads, but also let you observe your competition, create new business partnerships and boost brand awareness among potential customers.

To make the most of your trade show experience, make sure your booth provides something valuable to your audience, such as a freebie or another incentive, like coupons, giveaways, contests and more.

Finally, make sure you’re collecting information from visitors and following up to help grow your CBD business.

7. Reputation Management Affects Your CBD Business

Did you know 85% of people search online to find local CBD businesses? Those same people are also researching your reputation—what are your past customers saying about the quality of your brand? Were your prices fair? Did you meet or exceed their service expectations?

Offline, you can use word-of-mouth to your advantage. Ask your satisfied customers if they can think of any neighbors, friends, family, or acquaintances who might need your CBD services.

Online, list your CBD business on review websites and ask your happy customers to leave a review on Google. Doing so makes it more likely that you’ll get more CBD leads.

8. Make Your CBD Marketing Stand Out With a Unique Selling Point

If you want to stand out from your local competitors, your CBD marketing strategy needs a unique selling point. That could be your level of service, your experience in the industry, your competitive prices, your reputation, your employees, your guarantees—anything that sets you apart. Once you’ve figured out your USP, use that selling point in your CBD marketing!

If you’re not sure where to start, take a look at how your competitors are generating CBD leads. What’s their USP, and how can you beat it? What would matter more to your customers and the community you serve? Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Industry expertise
  • Product quality
  • Employee profiles
  • Level of service

Can you think of something else that’s unique to your business? Maybe your origin story or how you got started in the industry? Use it in your CBD marketing strategy!

9. Make Affiliate Marketing Part Of Your CBD Marketing Strategy

Affiliate marketers are influencers who can help inform your audience about your CBD product without you having to be directly involved. According to industry data, global affiliate marketing transactions surpassed $170 million during 2017, with expenditures projected to inflate by at least 10% over the next few years.

Speak with a CBD marketing expert from a reputable CBD marketing agency to learn more about how to employ this tactic in your CBD marketing strategy!

10. Increase Referrals to Get More CBD Leads

Referrals are a great way to capitalize on word-of-mouth marketing. Offer your existing customers an incentive to refer their friends, families and neighbors to your CBD business, and give them a discount in return. Since people are far more likely to use a business that a friend recommends to them, this is a CBD marketing strategy you shouldn’t pass up.

11. Use LinkedIn to Attract CBD Leads

LinkedIn is more than a great place to establish yourself as a CBD expert and business owner—it’s a great place to generate CBD leads, too. How? Do a search for local influencers and business leaders you can connect with and talk about the CBD services you provide.

12. Don’t Pay for CBD Leads If You Don’t Need To

We’ve talked about using HomeAdvisor, Angi, Thumbtack and CraftJack for leads before, and all of them should be treated with caution. While they might deliver a lot of leads to your CBD business, the quality of those leads often isn’t up to par. Whenever possible, you want to attract quality leads to your CBD website that will turn into paying customers. All too often, lead generation services like HomeAdvisor and Angi just don’t deliver on quality. You’re likely to spend your time chasing down bad leads instead of talking to good ones.

A better alternative for helping grow your CBD business is using CBD digital marketing. Combined, SEO for CBD companies and professional CBD website design can increase your online visibility and win you more CBD business.

Sign Up With Townsquare Interactive to Maximize Your CBD Marketing Budget

Website design isn’t the only element of an effective CBD marketing strategy, but it is the most important. One of the best things you can do for your business is to make sure your website has everything it needs to continuously generate CBD leads using the steps above.

Adding other elements to your marketing campaign, such as SEO for CBD companies and reputation monitoring, can strengthen your CBD marketing campaign and help you to generate more CBD leads.

The team at Townsquare Interactive specializes in CBD marketing strategy and CBD website design that generate leads for CBD businesses across the country. All of our CBD website designs feature the elements mentioned above, and our dedicated marketing specialists and teams of experts can provide personalized suggestions for how to take your CBD marketing strategy to the next level.

Fill out the form below to learn more about a personalized CBD marketing strategy and how to grow your CBD business.

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